Many people think that the economy and state of America now is worse than the great depression ever was. They like to blame Obama and say that he’s not fixing things and it was his fault and it was a mistake to elect him. Those people are called idiots.
You can only do so much if you are given a shit sandwich. Bushie handed Obama over a shit sandwich and rode off into the sunset. Regardless of how much cheese or lettuce or mustard you put on that thing, you are still screwed. It is going to take years to fox something that took idiots months to destroy. The economy now is bad, don’t get me wrong. But there are people with jobs, places to live and sleep, and food to eat. The difference between America then and America now is that back during the Depression era, America was largely a hard working country of industrial revolution steel and factory workers, a lot of them immigrants who would do anything for a job and to live in America.
In today’s America, you have people complaining about not having jobs because it doesn’t happen to be what they want to do for money. We have become a society of me, me, me, I, I, I, caused mostly because of the bailouts and honestly the ass backward way Republicans ran the show. It happened when Reagan was in office in the 80’s, we turned into a bunch of greedy, materialistic superficials who would kill their own kids if it meant having the newest BMW.
The era of the Depression had a huge effect on Broadway. Just when it seemed that Broadway was at its peak and shooting higher for the stratosphere, the depression came and wiped everything out. People could not afford to go to shows, and the lack of ticket sales put most of the companies and performers out of business and in a hole they could never recover from.